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Question 1 of 15
1. Question
You receive the table below but it seems that the team forgot to add the legend. Which of the lines from the table is representing how the project’s total features changed over time? (A, B or C)
(On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
Agile Practice Guide Figure 5-4 pag. 67
Agile Practice Guide Figure 5-4 pag. 67
Question 2 of 15
2. Question
A project team is using The Continuum of Life Cycles model to evaluate the degree of change in the project the frequency of delivery required in order to select the appropriate project life cycle. The team maps the degree of change on the horizontal axis and frequency of delivery on the vertical axis. The resulting mapping suggests that an incremental life cycle would work best for this project. Where on the Continuum of Life Cycles model did the team most likely map the project?
(On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
Agile Practice Guide Figure 3-1 pag. 19
Agile Practice Guide Figure 3-1 pag. 19
Question 3 of 15
3. Question
Which from the table is the amount of budget deficit at the moment of the report (A, B, C or D)? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. Figure 7-12 pag. 264
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. Figure 7-12 pag. 264
Question 4 of 15
4. Question
Which from the table is a projection of the amount of budget deficit (A, B, C or D)? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. Figure 7-12 pag. 264
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. Figure 7-12 pag. 264
Question 5 of 15
5. Question
Which from the table is the amount by which the project is behind the planned delivery date, (A, B, C or D)? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
Question 6 of 15
6. Question
At a one-to-one meeting, a team member tells you that he does not feel integrated into the team and that he believes that this also affects his performance. Where would you most likely place him in Maslow’s model? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
Most likely it’s about the feeling of belonging and inclusion.
Most likely it’s about the feeling of belonging and inclusion.
Question 7 of 15
7. Question
Your team has produced a deliverable. Following the analysis, the deliverable was accepted by the customer but you as a performing organization have a problem because the process did not work as you designed it. Where is that most likely to be located in the control chart? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. pag. 304
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. pag. 304
Question 8 of 15
8. Question
A project team is using the Stacey Complexity Model to evaluate the degree in uncertainty in the project and select the appropriate project life cycle. The team maps the technical degree of uncertainty on the horizontal axis and requirements’ uncertainty on the vertical axis. The resulting mapping suggests that a predictive life cycle would work best for this project. Where on the Stacey Complexity Model did the team most likely map the project?
(On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)Correct
Agile Practice Guide pag. 14
Agile Practice Guide pag. 14
Question 9 of 15
9. Question
In your organization it was decided to use Safe®. Where does this agile approach stand on the chart below in terms of depth of guidance and breadth of life cycle coverage compared to other agile approaches? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
Agile Practice Guide pag. 100
Agile Practice Guide pag. 100
Question 10 of 15
10. Question
You classified the stakeholders according to 3 attributes: power, legitimacy and urgency. You have a stakeholder who you consider to have both power and urgency but no legitimacy. Based on the salience model, where would you place that stakeholder? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
Question 11 of 15
11. Question
You classified the stakeholders according to 3 attributes: power, legitimacy and urgency. You have a stakeholder that you classify as dangerous. Based on the salience model, where would you place that stakeholder? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
Question 12 of 15
12. Question
You classified the stakeholders according to their power and interest in the project. Considering the options you have to maintain the engagement of a certain stakeholder, you decided to keep him informed. Where in the grid below would you place it? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. pag. 512
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. pag. 512
Question 13 of 15
13. Question
You are using an iteration burndown chart to track the work that remains to be completed in the iteration backlog. Which of the following lines represents the forecast of the remaining work? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. pag. 226
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. pag. 226
Question 14 of 15
14. Question
A budget is built and approved for the project you lead. Where in the figure is the management reserve placed? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. pag. 255
PMBOK Guide 6th ed. pag. 255
Question 15 of 15
15. Question
Two years ago, before the pandemic, Daniel’s salary was increased more than he expected. Last year, however, salaries were frozen in the company and the context was explained to employees. However, the management has just announced that this year the salaries will be increased but that 45% of the staff will be laid off. Where in Herzberg’s model is Daniel least likely to be placed? (On the real PMP exam you may be asked to provide your answer by clicking the correct area in the image. But here, you are asked to select the answer below.)
Difficulty level: Low – Medium
Alte resurse referitoare la examenul de PMP 2021:
1. Test PMP® 2021 cu 15 intrebari Free, Multiple correct answers
2. Test PMP® 2021 cu 15 intrebari Free, Drag and Drop
3. PMP 2021: Primele impresii de la examen pe noul format
4. Despre schimbarile la examenul de PMP si cum este sa fii PM in Nigeria cu Ovidiu Vieru
5. O sinteza a tuturor schimbarilor poate fi urmarita aici: